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ITAKA – No. 1 in Poland


ITAKA was established in 1989 and since 2009 has been the unchallenged leader in tourism industry. The company’s success is a result of creative work, and a gradual and well-thought-out development strategy. ITAKA is the winner of numerous prestigious awards for the highest standard of service, such as: Wielka Perła Polskiej Gospodarki, Rzetelna Firma, Złote Godło and Kryształowe Godło of European Trusted Brand, Jakość Roku, Konsumencki Lider Jakości, Laur Konsumenta, Superbrands Polska, Dobra Marka and Forbes Diamond and its high reliability stands out in the ratings prepared by the turystyka.rp.pl portal. ITAKA offer is the most extensiveand most diverse tourist product on the Polish market - more than 100 destination all over the world: holidays and trips Poles’ favourite resorts and as every season, attractive new destinations. Incredible journeys to the furthest parts of the world are available from local airports as well.


ITAKA means 28 years of experience, professionalism and reliability, unremitting enthusiasm and passion for discovering new scenic destinations.